ReflexologyRegain your health with reflexology
Reflexology is not a substitute for professional health care!
One important way to regain your health is reflexology. Reflexology deals mainly with sole massage, using finger pressure. The modern promoter of reflexology was William Fitzgerald. I am telling you about reflexology because of some personal experiences:
Reflexology is easy to learn and use, but it takes time to solve a problem. The thing is, reflexology solves other existing problems, not just the main one, so it is the best and healthiest way to make the body solve its own problems. Anybody can do it to anybody and there are only few cases when reflexology must not be performed. Reflexology equilibrates the blood flow and hormones release. It works best when there is a problem with or determined by the circulatory, lymphatic or excretory systems.
SummaryThe massage is rather inefficient if you do you it to yourself, so someone else should do it to you. The massage has to be done with the thumb (the nail cut short), either circularly or linearly on the given reflex area. The area being massaged must be properly lubricated (with any lubricant cream). Any given reflex area can be normally massaged 2 to 5 minutes, or up to 15 minutes if it is associated with a serious problem. The massage must last between 30 minutes and 2 hours per day, for both feet. The more time it lasts, the lighter (and slower) the massage has to be done. Usually, the massage has to be performed for about 20 days, or until the nodules on the reflex areas disappear. After this time, the massage should be only for sustaining purposes, daily or every two days, between 30 and 45 minutes per day. However, in critical cases it may take up to 3 months for clear improvements to show, and a whole year for complete healing. In non-critical cases, clear improvements become visible in less than 3 days. Though the massage is usually performed once a day, it can also be performed once every 2 or 3 days. The best time to do it is just before you go to sleep, though, walking on your soles for a while after the massage may decrease the unpleasant pressure feelings.
Order of massagingThe massage has to be performed in an orderly fashion, by groups of reflex areas:
Insist on the areas of the organs with problems.
Side effectsAs a receiver, at the beginning (= the first few days) of the massage if you have high temperature it may increase; in other cases you may experience some blood loss, headaches, diarrhea. These mean the body is mobilizing its forces to fight against the disease. Another side effect that may occur is pain within the soles; you might even have difficulties walking. All side effects disappear after a few days. The person who performs the massage may feel pain within his hands / fingers. This happens only to beginners, especially those who don't use enough lubricant, or use too much. If you have a health problem then you may feel some pain (in your soles) during the massage. If the problem is serious, it might hurt so much that you would want to hit the person performing the massage (because you might think he's doing that on purpose). Don't worry, it is normal to feel that! After a few days the pain will disappear, or at least decrease to a tolerable level. Pain in the soles could indicate both the existence or imminence of a problem, and reflexology can prevent problems from developing. However, the lack of pain doesn't necessarily mean that there is no health problem; in fact humans always have some health problem which may be improved with reflexology. Actually, the pain might occur during the massage, and even increase in the first days. Don't try to find by all means areas where it hurts! Some people say that there are contraindications, like for pregnancy. You should use you common sense! If it would be possible for someone to just press in the soles and determine an abortion, that someone would be really rich: what simpler way is there to determine an abortion without pain, surgery, or physical damage?
Special treatmentProfessional advice and special care is required when the patient has: foot conditions that prevent working on the feet, blood-coagulation problems, and pregnancy complications. When you're in doubt, always remember: work lightly, often, less time.
ChartsSee the chart for soles here. See the chart for sides of both feet here. You are free to distribute (including selling) these charts. Moreover, should you want to change anything in the charts, like the language, the OpenOffice drawing for the soles is here, and the one for the sides is here. Please do not remove the copyright; you may add your own copyright.
ShoesWalking is very good for the health, but proper shoes must be used. They are very important because they directly and indirectly influence the body. Shoes directly influence the reflex areas, the soles, the feet, and the backbone. Shoes must be flat (no high-heels), lite, wide enough so that the soles would not feel pressure from sides. Soles must be relaxed inside the shoes. The shoes must not be adjusted to the way people walk, instead people must learn to walk properly! The soles must touch the ground in their entirety during walking, first the heels then the middle and finally the toes.
Relaxation massageMental stress manifests physically by tensing the muscles of the body. Relaxation massage relieves the body from stress, and so is very important for its health. Most parts of the body and most (internal and external) organs respond positively to being massaged. The massage helps them optimize their work. The most important parts of the body that have to be massaged, are: the nape, the back, the abdomen. The most important of all is the area located a few centimeters above the navel, in the middle of the abdomen. If you press this area with your fingers, you'll feel something strong – the muscles. You should massage this area by simply pressing with the tip of your fingers, slowly, preferably in circles. After a while you'll feel how it "breaks down", it becomes soft, and this is how it is supposed to be. You can do the same thing with the area beneath the navel. Immediately as stress occurs, you'll feel this area harden. Basically, the nervous system receives a shock and it has to be prepared to "get the blow in the face". The massage of the abdomen is very good for digestion. |